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c2cMessageTopic - Static variable in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.mts.DivasTopic
A message topic for sending cell controller-to-cell controller messages.
calculateSnapTranslation(Vector3f, Vector3f) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.utils.SnapAndGlueHelper
Calculates the snapping translation of an object
calculateVisibleRegion() - Method in interface edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.common.percept.VisionPerceptor
calculateVisibleRegion() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.common.state.HumanAgentState
Calculates the visible region of the agent represented by a spherical cone.
call() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.engine.VisualizerTask
canHear() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.common.state.AgentState
Checks if this agent can hear
canSee() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.common.state.AgentState
Checks if this agent can see
canSmell() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.common.state.AgentState
Checks if this agent can smell
cc_capacity - Variable in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.config.SimConfig
CellBounds - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env
This class stores information about the cell controller boundaries boundaries.
CellBounds() - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.CellBounds
Constructs the CellBounds class.
CellBounds(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.CellBounds
Constructs the CellBounds class by setting the given parameters.
CellBoundsVO - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.vo
This class represents a cell bounds VO.
CellBoundsVO() - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.vo.CellBoundsVO
Constructs a cell VO
CellController - Interface in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env
The CellController interface must be implemented by any class wishing to fulfill a cell controller functionalities.
CellID - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env
This class is for representing the Cell controller Id.
CellID() - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.CellID
Constructs the CellID by initializing the idString to be empty.
CellMap - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env
The CellMap contains an updated view of the cell structure of the entire decentralized virtual environment.
CellMap(CellState, String) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.CellMap
Constructs the CellMap class by assigning the root cell controller and the host of the root.
CellMapNode - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env
The CellMapNode class contains information about the nodes stored in the CellMap.
CellMapNode(CellID, CellBounds, CellMapNode, String) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.CellMapNode
Constructs the CellMapNode object given the CellID for the node, the bounds, the parent CellMapNode and the host.
CellMapNode(CellState, CellMapNode, String) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.CellMapNode
Constructs the CellMapNode object given the CellState, the parent CellMapNode and the host ID.
CellReorganizer - Interface in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env
An interface to cell reorganization strategies.
CELLS - Static variable in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.common.InputMapping
CellState - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.common.state
This class stores information about the cell controller contents.
CellState() - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.common.state.CellState
Creates a new cell state.
CellState(CellID, CellBounds) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.common.state.CellState
Creates a new cell state with the given id and bounds.
CellStateDto - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.client.dto
This class describes a Data Transfer Object for CellState
CellStateDto(CellState, long, int, CellMap) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.client.dto.CellStateDto
CellStateDto() - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.client.dto.CellStateDto
CellStateSpec - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.spec.env
This class represents a cell state specification.
CellStateSpec(CellID, CellBounds) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.spec.env.CellStateSpec
CellStructureMsg - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.msg
This class describes the message for cell controller restructure request.
CellStructureMsg.Operation - Enum in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.msg
Enumeration of the cell controller restructure operations.
cellStructureTopic - Static variable in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.mts.DivasTopic
A message topic for splitting and merging cell controllers.
CellSubscriptionService<CC extends CellController> - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env
This class contains information about the agent subscriptions to cell controllers.
CellSubscriptionService() - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.CellSubscriptionService
Constructs the cell subscription service by initializing the maps and creating the multithreader.
CellSummary - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.model
CellSummary() - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.model.CellSummary
changeAlpha(int) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.components.ColorField
changeColor(Color) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.components.ColorField
CharField - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.components
CharField(Component, String, Field, Object, Character) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.components.CharField
chooseLocal() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.dialog.ConnectionDialog
clear() - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.repository.SimRepository
clear(Class<E>) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.utils.ExtensibleEnum
clearAgents() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.common.state.CellState
Removes all agents from this cell state.
clearAgents() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.AbstractCellController
clearAgents() - Method in interface edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.CellController
clear the map of agents in the cell controller and the list of agents in the cell state.
clearCombinationData() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.interaction.perception.PerceptionCombinationModule
Reset the combination data from this cycle
clearData() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.panels.SimSummaryPanel
clearPerceptionKnowledge() - Method in interface edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.knowledge.KnowledgeModule
Clear temporary knowledge associated with perception
ClientDetailsFrame - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.frames
ClientDetailsFrame(Component) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.frames.ClientDetailsFrame
clone() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.common.state.VirtualState
clone() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis2D.spectator.PlayGround2D
close() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.client.SimCommander
Disposes the resources of the commander
close() - Method in interface edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.driver.AgentDriver
Closes and destroys this agent driver.
close() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.driver.keyboard.KeyboardAgentDriver
close() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.driver.wiimote.WiimoteAgentDriver
close() - Method in class
Close all communications between this monitor and the underlying stream.
close() - Method in class
Causes the proxy to close all communications between it and the underlying streams after all remaining data in the streams is read.
closeInputStream() - Method in class
Closes the output stream attached to the standard input stream of this monitor's process.
closeInputStream() - Method in class
collideWith(Ray, CollisionResults) - Method in class
Determines if the environment object collides with a collision Ray.
collideWith(Ray, CollisionResults) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.common.state.EnvObjectState
Determines if the environment object collides with a collision Ray.
Collision - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.knowledge.external
This class represents a collision information for the agent.
Collision(int, Collision.CollisionType) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.knowledge.external.Collision
Creates a new collision information for the agent
Collision.CollisionType - Enum in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.knowledge.external
What was collided with
ColorField - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.components
ColorField(Component, String, Field, Object, Color) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.components.ColorField
ColorField(Component, String, Map.Entry<ConfigKey, ConfigProperty<?>>, Object, Color) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.components.ColorField
CombinedReasonedData - Class in
CombinedReasonedData(long, float, String) - Constructor for class
combineEntitiesFrom(CellState) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.common.state.CellState
Adds all entities of the given state to the current cell state.
combinePerceptions() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.interaction.perception.AbstractPerceptionModule
combinePerceptions() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.interaction.perception.PerceptionCombinationModule
Combines agent perceptions into knowledge
combinePerceptions() - Method in interface edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.interaction.perception.PerceptionModule
Combines perceptions.
commitState() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.AgentStateModel
Update the AgentStateModel with the next state.
CommonBuilders - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.utils
This is a helper class of reusable Nifty Element Builders.
CommonBuilders() - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.utils.CommonBuilders
CommunicationModule - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.mts
CommunicationModule objects represent a client connection to a JMS broker server.
CommunicationModule(MTSClient) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.mts.CommunicationModule
The constructor initializes the CommunicationModule.
CommunicationModuleProvider - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.guice
CommunicationModuleProvider() - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.guice.CommunicationModuleProvider
CommunicationModuleProvider - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.guice
This class implements a provider for this component's communication module.
CommunicationModuleProvider() - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.guice.CommunicationModuleProvider
compareTo(DisplayResolution) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.config.DisplayResolution
compareTo(E) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.utils.ExtensibleEnum
ComplexRoom - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.spec.env
ComplexRoom() - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.spec.env.ComplexRoom
ComplexRoom - Static variable in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.spec.env.EnvSpecEnum
Complex room containing 19 environment objects.
Config - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.config
Configuration settings utilities for DIVAs
ConfigKey - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.config
ConfigPopulator - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.dialog
ConfigPopulator() - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.dialog.ConfigPopulator
ConfigProperty<T> - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.config
ConfigProperty(ConfigKey, T, String, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.config.ConfigProperty
ConfigProperty(ConfigKey, T, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.config.ConfigProperty
ConfigTest - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent
ConfigTest() - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.ConfigTest
connect(JFrame) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.guice.CommunicationModuleProvider
connect() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.handlers.ConnectionHandler
connectionDetails(JFrame) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.handlers.ConnectionHandler
ConnectionDialog - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.dialog
ConnectionDialog(JFrame) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.dialog.ConnectionDialog
ConnectionHandler - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.handlers
ConnectionHandler() - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.handlers.ConnectionHandler
ConnectionMenu - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.menus
ConnectionMenu(SwingParent<?>) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.menus.ConnectionMenu
connectionOptions() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.handlers.ConnectionHandler
ConsoleFrame - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.frames
ConsoleFrame redirects system out and error streams to a JFrame.
ConsoleOutPane - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.components
ConsoleOutPane() - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.gui.mvp.view.swing.components.ConsoleOutPane
contains(float, float, float) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.CellBounds
Tests if the given position is contained within the cell bounds.
contains(Vector3f) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.CellBounds
Tests if the given position represented as Vector3f is contained within the cell bounds.
contains(Geometry) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.utils.physics.ActualObjectPolygon
contains(String) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.NiftyScreen
contains2D(Vector3f) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.common.state.VirtualState
Checks if the bounding area of this entity contains the x and z coordinates of a 3D vector representing a position
containsAgent(int) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.common.state.CellState
Returns a flag indicating whether this cell state contains the agent state for the given.
containsAgent(int) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.AbstractCellController
containsAgent(int) - Method in interface edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.CellController
Checks if the agent with the given agent Id is in the cell controller state agents map.
containsEnvObject(int) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.AbstractCellController
containsEnvObject(int) - Method in interface edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.CellController
Checks if the environment object with given environment object Id exists in the cell state environment objects list.
containsTask(String) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.task.AbstractTaskModule
containsTask(String) - Method in interface edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.task.TaskModule
Checks if the agent has the definition of a specific type of task in its task module
CONTEXT - Static variable in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.common.InputMapping
ContextSelectionPicker - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.engine
This class handles the mouse selection on the 3D visualization.
ContextSelectionPicker(AmbientLight, AmbientLight) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.engine.ContextSelectionPicker
Creates and initializes the selection picker
Coordinator<CC extends SelfOrganizingCellController<?>> - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env
This class describes an environment coordinator.
Coordinator(SelfOrganizingEnvironment<CC>) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.Coordinator
copy() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.common.state.EnvObjectState
copy(Path, Path, CopyOption...) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.utils.FileIOHelper
Copies source file to target location.
COPY - Static variable in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.common.CursorType
Copy cursor
COPY - Static variable in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.common.InputMapping
copy() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.vo.EnvObjectVO
Copies this VO to the editing root node
copyFrom(Heartbeat) - Method in class
Updates this heartbeat with properties from the given heartbeat instance.
copyFrom(IdManager) - Method in class
Updates the id manager with properties from the given id manager.
copyFrom(AgentState) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.common.state.AgentState
Changes the agent type, control type, heading, max speed, desired speed, visible distance, field of view, min audible threshold, acoustic emission, smell sensitivity, reach distance, posture, vision algorithm, olfactory enabled and auditory enabled of the agent with such properties from the given agent state.
copyFrom(EnvObjectState) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.common.state.EnvObjectState
Changes the description, type, material, rotation, available, onFire and scale of the environment object with such properties from the given env object state.
copyFrom(HumanAgentState) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.common.state.HumanAgentState
Changes the agent type, control type, heading, max speed, desired speed, visible distance, field of view, min audible threshold, acoustic emission, smell sensitivity, reach distance, posture, vision algorithm, olfactory enabled and auditory enabled of the agent with such properties from the given agent state.
copyFrom(VirtualState) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.common.state.VirtualState
Changes the id, visualized flag, model name, position, velocity, acceleration, bounding area and bounding volume of the virtual entity in this state with such properties from the given virtual state.
copyFrom(E) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.AbstractEnvironment
copyFrom(CellSubscriptionService<?>) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.CellSubscriptionService
copyFrom(E) - Method in interface edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.Environment
Loading a previously saved simulation environment from the given environment instance.
copyFrom(Simulation<?>) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.Simulation
Updates this simulation with properties from the given simulation instance.
create(String) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.config.ConfigKey
create(String) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.spec.env.EnvSpecEnum
create(String) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.common.CursorType
Creates a new CursorType
create(String) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.common.InputMapping
Creates a new InputMapping
create(String) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.common.InputMode
Creates a new InputMode
createAgent(AgentState, Vector3f) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.client.SimAdapter
Creates an agent at the given location in the simulation.
createAgent(AgentState) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.client.SimCommander
createAgent(AgentState) - Method in interface edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.client.SimFacade
Creates an agent in the simulation.
createAgent(AgentState) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.AbstractEnvironment
Creates a new agent in the simulation
createAgent(String) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.spec.agent.AgentLoader
Loads an agent specification
createAgentPath(Vector3f, List<Vector3f>, ColorRGBA) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.utils.VisToolbox
createAmbientLight(ColorRGBA) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.utils.VisToolbox
Creates an ambient light to be used in the visualization
createBlackSmoke(float) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.vo.effect.ExplosionFactory
Creates a particle emitter for blacksmoke according to a given intensity
createBoundingArea(Vector3f, Vector3f) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.utils.physics.PhysicsHelper
Calculate the bounding area of an object
createBoundingVolume(BoundingShape, Vector3f, Vector3f) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.utils.physics.PhysicsHelper
Calculate the bounding volume of an object
createChild(int) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.CellID
Creates a child of this cell ID with the given sub-index.
createCustomButtonCreator(String, String, Element, Nifty, Screen) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.utils.NiftyGUIHelper
Creates a custom button control.
createCustomButtonElement(String, String, Element, Nifty, Screen) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.utils.NiftyGUIHelper
Creates a custom button element.
createCustomControl(String, String, String, String, String, String, Nifty, Screen, Map<String, String>) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.customControls.AbstractDialogController
Creates a Nifty custom control.
createCustomControl(String, String, String, String, String, String, Element, Nifty, Screen, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.utils.NiftyGUIHelper
Creates a Nifty custom control.
createCustomControlCreator(String, String, String, String, String, String, Element, Nifty, Screen, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.utils.NiftyGUIHelper
Creates a Nifty custom control.
createDebris(float) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.vo.effect.ExplosionFactory
Creates a particle emitter for debris according to a given intensity
createDebrisD(float) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.vo.effect.ExplosionFactory
Creates a particle emitter for debris according to a given intensity
createDialog() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.customControls.AbstractDialog
Creates a Nifty dialog (e.g., a Nifty Window) for an object (e.g., agent, environment object).
createDialog() - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.customControls.voModification.AbstractPropertyDialog
createDialogId(String) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.customControls.voModification.envObjModification.EnvObjPropertyDialog
createDialogTitle(String) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.customControls.voModification.envObjModification.EnvObjPropertyDialog
createDropDownControl(String, String) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.customControls.AbstractDialogController
Creates and returns a dropdown Nifty control for the given element.
createDropDownControl(String, Element, Nifty, Screen) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.utils.NiftyGUIHelper
Creates and returns a dropdown Nifty control for the given element.
createDrums(Vector3f) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.client.SimAdapter
Creates a drums object in the simulation
createDynamite(Vector3f, float, boolean) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.client.SimAdapter
Triggers a dynamite in the simulation.
createEntityTopic - Static variable in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.mts.DivasTopic
A message topic for creating objects in the simulation.
createEnvObject(EnvObjectState) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.client.SimAdapter
Creates an environment object in the simulation.
createEnvObject(EnvObjectState) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.client.SimCommander
createEnvObject(EnvObjectState) - Method in interface edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.client.SimFacade
Creates an environment object in the simulation
createEnvObject(EnvObjectState) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.env.AbstractEnvironment
Creates a new environment object in the simulation
createEvent(EnvEvent) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.client.SimCommander
createEvent(EnvEvent) - Method in interface edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.client.SimFacade
Creates an event in the simulation
CreateEventMsg - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.msg
This class describes the message for create environment events.
CreateEventMsg(EnvEvent) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.msg.CreateEventMsg
Constructs the CreateEventMsg with the given environment event.
createExplosion(Vector3f, float, boolean) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.client.SimAdapter
Triggers an explosion in the simulation.
createFile(File, String) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.utils.ResourceManager
Creates a file with the given name in the given folder.
createFireworks(Vector3f, float, boolean) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.client.SimAdapter
Triggers fireworks in the simulation.
createFlame(float) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.vo.effect.ExplosionFactory
Creates a particle emitter for flame according to a given intensity
createFlameD(float) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.vo.effect.ExplosionFactory
Creates a particle emitter for flame according to a given intensity
createFlash(float) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.vo.effect.ExplosionFactory
Creates a particle emitter for flash according to a given intensity
createFlash() - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.vo.effect.FireworksFactory
Creates a particle emitter for flame according to a given intensity
createFlashD(float) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.vo.effect.ExplosionFactory
Creates a particle emitter for flash according to a given intensity
createGrill(Vector3f) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.client.SimAdapter
Creates a grill in the simulation
createHUDText(String, String, ColorRGBA, Vector3f) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.utils.VisToolbox
Creates a HUD text on the screen
createLabel(String) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.utils.CommonBuilders
Creates a label with the given text.
createLabel(String, String) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.utils.CommonBuilders
Creates a label with the given text and width.
createLabel(String, String, String) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.utils.CommonBuilders
Creates a label with the given id, text and width.
createObject(Object) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.customControls.voCreation.AbstractCreationDialogController
Sets the entity creation type in the simulation.
createObject(Object) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.customControls.voCreation.agentCreation.AgentCreationDialogController
createObject(Object) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.customControls.voCreation.envObjectCreation.EnvObjectCreationDialogController
createObject(Object) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.customControls.voCreation.eventCreation.EventCreationDialogController
createRoundSpark(float) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.vo.effect.ExplosionFactory
Creates a particle emitter for round spark according to a given intensity
createRoundSpark() - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.vo.effect.FireworksFactory
Creates a particle emitter for round spark according to a given intensity
createShockwave(float) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.vo.effect.ExplosionFactory
Creates a particle emitter for shockwave according to a given intensity
createSmoke(float) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.vo.effect.SmokeFactory
Creates a smoke effect accroding to a given intensity
createSmokeTrail(float) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.vo.effect.ExplosionFactory
Creates a particle emitter for smoke trail according to a given intensity
createSpark(float) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.vo.effect.ExplosionFactory
Creates a particle emitter for spark according to a given intensity
createSpark() - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.vo.effect.FireworksFactory
Creates a particle emitter for spark according to a given intensity
createSpinnerControl(String, String, float, float, float, float, String, String, boolean) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.customControls.AbstractDialogController
Creates a spinner control element for the given parent element.
createSpinnerControl(String, String, float, float, float, float, String, boolean, Element, Nifty, Screen) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.utils.NiftyGUIHelper
Creates a spinner control element for the given parent element.
createSpotlight(Vector3f) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.client.SimAdapter
Creates a spotlight in the simulation
CreateStateMsg - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.msg
This class describes the message for creating a state for an agent or an environment object.
CreateStateMsg(VirtualState) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.msg.CreateStateMsg
Constructs the CreateStateMsg object with the given VirtualState.
createTask(String, long) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.task.AbstractTaskModule
createTask(long) - Method in interface edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.task.Task
Creates a new task to be executed in the schedule execution cycle.
createTask(String, long) - Method in interface edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.task.TaskModule
Creates a new task
createVisionCone(Vector3f, Vector3f, float, float, int, int) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.utils.physics.VisionHelper
Creates a vision cone as a list of rays.
createVisionCone(Vector3f, float, float, int, boolean, float) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.utils.VisToolbox
Creates a transparent/translucent vision cone for the agent
createVisionCone(Vector3f, float, float, int, int) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.utils.VisToolbox
Creates a transparent/translucent vision cone for the agent
createWindow(String, String, String, String, String, String, Element, Nifty, Screen) - Static method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.utils.NiftyGUIHelper
Creates and return a Nifty Window.
CursorManager - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.engine
This class describes the hardware cursor manager of the 3D visualizer.
CursorManager(AssetManager) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.engine.CursorManager
Creates and initializer a cursor manager
CursorType - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.common
The specifying type of the mouse cursor.
CustomButtonController - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.controls.button
CustomButtonController() - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.controls.button.CustomButtonController
CustomButtonDefinition - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.controls.button
The CustomButtonDefinition registers a new control with Nifty that represents the whole CustomButtonDefinition.
CustomButtonDefinition() - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.visualization.vis3D.dialog.controls.button.CustomButtonDefinition
customProperties - Variable in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.config.BaseConfig
Custom properties, to be used by concrete simulations
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