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keyboard_Motion_Multiplier - Variable in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.config.SimConfig
Agent Keyboard Control - move speed
keyboard_Rotation_Multiplier - Variable in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.config.SimConfig
Agent Keyboard Control - rotation speed
KeyboardAgentDriver - Class in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.driver.keyboard
This class is responsible for creating a JFrame for an agent and allowing the agent to be controlled via the keyboard.
KeyboardAgentDriver(int) - Constructor for class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.driver.keyboard.KeyboardAgentDriver
Creates a new keyboard agent driver instance for the given agent id.
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.driver.keyboard.KeyboardAgentDriver
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.driver.keyboard.KeyboardAgentDriver
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.driver.keyboard.KeyboardAgentDriver
kill() - Method in class
Causes the proxy to close all communications between it and the underlying streams immediately.
KnowledgeModule<S extends AgentState> - Interface in edu.utdallas.mavs.divas.core.sim.agent.knowledge
Agent Knowledge Module
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