Welcome the EMAS 2016 webpage!EMAS 2016 aims to gather researchers and practitioners in the domains of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE), PROgramming Multi-Agent Systems (ProMAS) and Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies (DALT) to present and discuss their research and outcomes in MAS engineering. The purpose of this workshop is to facilitate the cross-fertilization of ideas and experiences in the various fields to: further our knowledge in MAS engineering and improve the state-or-the art; define research directions that are useful to practitioners; and encourage practitioners to use established methodologies for the development of large-scale MAS. The EMAS workshop has been held as part of AAMAS since 2013 and was affiliated to AAMAS through the AOSE, ProMAS and DALT workshops since its inception. More information on the EMAS series is available here. EMAS 2016 will appeal to any researcher and practitioner who is interested in the theoretical and practical aspects of MAS engineering. In addition to paper presentations, the program will include keynote speakers, varied panels and lively discussions. The workshop encourages researchers and practitioners at all levels (i.e., junior and senior) to exchange ideas, share learned experiences and hopefully converge on the definition of relevant directions for the field. Important Dates
News4/16/16 - The EMAS program can be downloaded here 4/8/16 - The workshop proceedings are available here 4/6/16 - Prof. Jaime Simao Sichman (University of Sao Paulo) is the invited speaker for EMAS 2016 Prof. Frank Dignum (Universiteit Utrecht) is the invited speaker for the EMAS-COIN joint session2/9/16 - The submission system will remain open until Friday February 12 1/31/16 - Paper submission deadline extended to February 10, 2016 (midnight, PST) 12/2/15 - Website launched |
Site last updated April 18, 2016 ( Behnam Torabi ) |